Here is a prayer idea for the National Day of Prayer.  This is a guided prayer for the National Day of Prayer that can be used in a church service or in a prayer group.  I composed this prayer when I was asked to lead the congregation in guided prayer at a National Day of Prayer service.

How to do this:

I prayed out loud for different concerns from the pulpit and then allowed time of silence to fall so that the congregation could pray silently on each subject for a minute or two.  During the times of silence I found it useful to personally pray silently myself to gauge how long it might take congregants to think of things to pray on each subject.

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Guided Prayer for National Day of Prayer

The Introduction:

This is what I said to introduce the guided prayer for the National Day of prayer to the group:

We’d like to join our hearts and minds together now in guided prayer.  There are more   concerns and hopes for our nation than any one of us could possibly cover today.  During the next few moments I’ll offer a sentence prayer about different needs facing our nation and our world and then pause so that the Holy Spirit might lead each of us to pray silently about these concerns.

Let us pray silently together:

Guided Prayer for the National Day of Prayer:

Father, we begin by thanking you for the many things you’ve given our nation.  Let us silently thank God.

Time of silence.

Jesus, we see much evidence of people who are looking for meaning in their lives in our nation.  Let us pray silently for those whose names come to us who need to be found.

Time of silence.

Spirit, we have great need for your guidance in the direction our country is going.  Let us name our leaders silently and pray for the difficult issues they face.

Time of silence.

Father, we need your peace and protection.  Let us pray silently for our men and women in the armed forces and for the countries around the world where there is conflict.

Time of silence.

Jesus, we see great division in the name of religion in our world.  We silently pray that your church will be able to reach out to love as you love.

Time of silence.

Holy Spirit, we have concerns for the families and marriages in our nation.  We silently pray for those struggling with family issues today.

Time of silence.

Father, we thank you for ministers, missionaries and lay people who are doing your work.  Let us name them silently and pray that You will send more workers into your field.

Time of silence.

Lord, hear our prayers for our nation and our world.  Amen.


Prayer for Our Country

Prayer for Government Leaders Using Scripture

Praying for Direction and Discernment

Prayer for Peace in Countries Undergoing Civil Unrest, Revolution or War

Using Laments to Offer Prayers Complaining about Loss and Injustice

Copyright Karen Barber 2011.  All rights reserved.