Support Us
Your Gifts Can Transform Lives
We are grateful for your monetary gifts which play a crucial role in transforming lives, families and communities through the power of Christian prayer.
Prayer Igniters International, the sponsor of Prayer Ideas, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity under the Internal Revenue Code and all donations are tax deductible.
Your Donations Make It Possible for Us To:
Reach the Digital Generation
We’re there 24/7 for the digital generation when they are searching for ways to get in closer touch with God through prayer.
We open a “Fast Track” on prayer for those new to Christian prayer, telling the basics of how Jesus and our relationship with Him makes the crucial difference in Christian prayer.
Help the Hurting
We offer Life Forums where those experiencing specific life issues such as grief, divorce and parenting challenges might find the help, hope and encouragement of prayer from experienced mentors who have prayerfully survived similar challenges.
We list places of prayer and meditation all over the world where everyone might meet God on sacred ground.
Support Seekers
We provide free online professionally edited ideas and resources on all aspects of prayer written by a variety of authors.
We review books, music, products and studies on prayer for those who want to go into greater depth on any aspect of prayer.
We connect those looking for a speaker, retreat center or other prayer resource providers with the help they are seeking.
We offer ideas on group prayer to prayer leaders.
The Crucial Nature of Our Mission
Prayer is the number one daily prayer practice in the U.S. today.
Only 22% of the generation ages 18-30 attend church regularly, yet 58% of them pray daily.
Many of this same generation describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious” meaning that they are attempting to pray and live out their faith without the benefit of role models and easily accessible information on the basics such as how to pray.
95% of all Americans pray at some point in their lives.