Prayer for Our Country
This prayer poem asks God’s help, wisdom and guidance for our nation. Use this prayer for our country on the National Day of Prayer, or as a Memorial Day prayer or a Fourth of July prayer in your personal prayer times or at family gatherings.
“Freedom’s Song”
Heavenly Father, enthroned above
We praise you for your endless love
Abounding in grace and mercy shown
We worship you…and you alone
Thank you for your only Son
For through his death your will was done
With grateful hearts, we humbly pray
That you will guide us everyday
Compassionate Father, we bless your name
And rest in knowing…you stay the same
We seek your wisdom for our nation
To remind each future generation
Of the hopes and dreams of freedom’s song
Being “founded” in God…is what made us strong
“In God we trust”…must stay our prayer
Please keep us God, within your care
Psalm 100: 1-5
Copyright Merissa Lee Kelley May 7, 2015
In honor of National Day of Prayer
Used by permission. All rights reserved.