Relief and Release Prayer Using Deep Sigh Prayers Based on Mark 7:34
This Relief and Release Prayer idea is based on Mark 7:34 where Jesus let out a long, deep sigh before healing a deaf and mute man. How Jesus Used a Deep Sigh Prayer In the book of Mark, Jesus takes a deaf and mute man aside privately to heal him. Jesus began with healing gestures…
Read MorePrayer by Proxy When the Person You’re Praying for Isn’t Present
A reader recently asked me about prayer by proxy where someone sits in for a person who is not present while others pray and lay hands on the person acting as the proxy. Here are my thoughts, ideas and experiences with prayer using a proxy. What is prayer by proxy? My reader described the prayer…
Read MoreHow to Pray for Your Church Using a Prayer Walk and Posted Prayer Notes
A good way to pray for your church ministries and building is to do a prayer walk where you post sticky notes letting others know they have been covered in prayer. We developed this posted prayer notes prayer walk as part of our church building campaign and it can be used for any church prayer…
Read MoreHow to Start, Organize and Run an Email Prayer Chain
Starting an email prayer chain in your church or ministry group is an effective way to let members share, receive and pray for the needs of others. Email prayer chains use technology to quickly and reliably share prayer requests. I serve as the coordinator of our church email prayer chain. We have 208 people on…
Read MoreMission Trip Prayer Outreach Ideas
One of the secrets of successful mission trips is prayer because it puts our hearts in a posture of dependence on God. Ultimately, God is the only One who changes hearts; we simply get to be a part of His work on mission. Here are some practical ideas of ways to put prayer ministry onto…
Read MoreHow to Let Go of Things Using Prayer
When praying about our biggest needs and problems, it’s natural to hold onto the outcome we want. However there comes a time when we need to let go of things in prayer, and let go of what we want the outcome to be so we can experience peace no matter what. Here is a prayer…
Read MoreHow to Pray for Each Other Using a Written Prayer Sharing Sheet
How do you pray effectively for each other in small group settings? Using a prayer sharing sheet is the secret to making sure that everyone in a group receives specific prayer for one of their personal problems or needs, even – If time is short and there is not enough time to pray for everyone…
Read MoreHow to Request and Receive Confidential Prayer
Making a confidential prayer request for yourself or others is possible if you know the secret of the right ways and means of doing so. Sometimes our confidential prayer requests are about private family or business matters that are not public knowledge. Other times our confidential prayer requests are about personal matters, such as our…
Read MoreHow to Stand in the Gap in Prayer
How to pray effectively for others who are in need of help but who are unable or unwilling to pray for themselves is called standing in the gap. Standing in the gap is a form of intercessory prayer where our prayers bridge the gap between God and people who are cut off from God’s helping…
Read MoreHow to Pray Scriptures
Knowing how to pray Scriptures can add power to your prayer times. Here are some ideas about the many ways you can pray Scriptures. How to pray scriptures using God’s commandments Praying God’s commandments is powerful because they are his most important principles of life and behavior. Commandments aren’t just about following rules and good…
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