My Prayer Experiences
Young Adult Writers Opportunities Online on
If you’re age 18 -30 looking for young adult writers opportunities online we’d love to hear from you! We’re looking for young adults who like to write or would like to gain writing experience and build a resume in inspirational Christian writing that will impact your generation all over the world. You’ll have your chance…
Read MoreTake Our Survey So We Can Develop Helpful Personal Prayer Content Articles for Those 18-30
We need your input and opinions on the types of personal prayer article contents that those in the 18-30 age group most search for online so we can provide useful articles on our website. If you’re in this age group, you make up 60% of our website users and we’d love to hear…
Read MorePoem for Heroes “You Covered Me” by Merissa Lee Kelley
Honor the heroes in your life with this poem created by Merissa Lee Kelley to honor the heroes in Las Vegas in 2017 who shielded others during a mass shooting. The poem is entitled “You Covered Me.” Share this poem with all who have been heroes in your life who have covered you physically, emotionally…
Read MoreJump Starter Prayers: When You Need Something and You Haven’t Prayed to God Recently
If you haven’t prayed to God much about other things, is it OK to all of a sudden pray for something you need? Someone recently asked me this. He had prayed to God that his new business idea would prosper. The person who asked me said he hadn’t really prayed much to God for other…
Read MoreCrying on Palm Sunday? Follow Jesus Down the Mount of Olives
Our Palm Sunday Prayer was written to help you welcome Jesus Christ with thanksgiving and praise as residents of Jerusalem did thousands of years ago. However Palm Sunday is also connected with tears for people who have not responded to Christ’s love. On a prayer pilgrimage to Jerusalem several years I was first introduced to…
Read MoreWould You Like to Try Fasting and Prayer?
Have you ever tried fasting and prayer? In the past I haven’t really made fasting a regular part of my prayer life, but when I have, I’ve found that fasting is effective in helping me remember the things that I need God’s help in handling. Skipping breakfast Recently I was fasting because I had a…
Read MorePraying on Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday? Surprising Reasons Why
We don’t often connect prayer with Mardi Gras. Today it’s celebrated as a fun festival with parades and parties. But the final day, called Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday, has its roots in church history. It’s the day before Ash Wednesday when Christians traditionally enter a 40 day period of self examination, fasting, prayer and…
Read MoreHow much do you need a prayer chapel?
You may not know it, but you really need a prayer chapel. When was the last time you found a place where just stepping inside for a moment calmed you and centered you and helped you feel that God was there? A few years back our church completed a building renovation that included the creation…
Read MorePraying about Tragedy? How do you do it?
Are you praying about tragedy? Have you ever been asked to pray about a tragic situation that makes you feel incredibly sad and helpless? “Please pray for a friend whose son just died of a drug overdose,” a member of our adult Sunday school class said this week during prayer request time. As he told…
Read MoreShould you pray over every detail of a big situation every day?
One of our readers who was interested in trying our prayer to find your soul mate wrote and asked me whether she should pray the whole prayer every day. That’s a great question because this prayer is quite detailed! That’s because the prayer helps you have a prayerful conversation with God as to what qualities…
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