Prayer Lifestyle
How to Increase Your Decision-Making Abilities by Considering God’s Magnificent Creation
A simple but highly effective way to increase your decision-making abilities is to take a short break to consider the beauty of God’s magnificent creation. My Unexpected Discovery in Decision-Making One day I was sitting in my truck in a parking lot weighing the pros and cons of an opportunity. Should I take it? Or…
Read MoreHow to Pray Using Breath Prayers or Sentence Prayers
Breath prayers are short one sentence prayers that you pray throughout the day or repeat over and over again. Because breath prayers are not long and complicated, they can be done while doing other things. People use breath prayers to come closer to the ideal of being able to “pray continually” as recommended in the…
Read MoreDaily Prayer Top Ten Secrets
Daily prayer needs to fit easily into your life so you can receive God’s help every day. Here are the top ten secrets of how people do daily prayer. Choose the ones that work best for you. Daily prayer secret 1: Pray on the go Having daily prayer time while doing a routine task such…
Read MoreTwo Simple Secrets to Prayer: Conversation and Relationship
If prayer isn’t something you’ve done or thought about much, here are two simple secrets to prayer: conversation and relationship. Here are some ideas for you using skills you already have developed with your relationships with other people. Relationships and talking to each other naturally go together. When we were younger, we learned how to…
Read MoreImproving Your Prayer Life by Writing Down Lists and Prayers
Wondering how to improve your prayer life? Writing prayer lists, prayer requests and doing written prayers can help your prayers become organized and focused. One of my goals as we began the new year was to improve my prayer life. To be a better pray-er. I didn’t want to just say prayers. I didn’t want…
Read MoreHow To Have a Prayer Breakthrough by Honestly Talking to God
You can experience a prayer breakthrough by holding an honest conversation with God when you are feeling intense emotions. This can lead to a closer relationship with God where your prayers will become much more than just reciting holy words. Here are some ideas to help you learn how to honestly talk to God about…
Read MoreSelf Discipline Prayer
Developing self-discipline is essential to everything we want to accomplish. Use this self-discipline prayer and strategy to receive God’s power so you can enjoy more success in reaching your personal goals. A Bible verse I found when writing my “Weight Loss Prayer” is: “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however,…
Read MoreMission Trip Prayer Preparation Guide
The secret of a successful mission trip is good preparation. Here are insider tips on prayer preparation for a mission trip. Whether you are planning a youth mission trip, a medical mission trip, a disaster recovery mission trip or a foreign mission trip, prayer preparation is the secret to success. I used this plan for…
Read MoreCell Phone Prayer Mode
Do you have the best cell phone plan for your prayer time? Here is a free cell phone prayer that will help you put yourself and your phone into prayer mode and to overcome FOMO, or the fear of missing out if you don’t look at all texts, updates,emails and messages the instant you get…
Read MoreHow to Get Up Early to Pray
Getting up early to pray is one of the most dependable ways to have a consistent prayer life, but getting up early can be a challenge. Here are some strategies and ideas on how to make getting up early to pray a habit that becomes the highlight of your day. How to do this prayer…
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