Church Hurt Prayer for Those Who Have Been Rejected or Hurt by Religious People or Institutions
This Church Hurt Prayer is useful for those who have been rejected, discouraged or harmed by a church, religious institution or religious people. If you or someone you know has been affected by church hurt, this guided prayer can bring God’s help and healing power. Church Hurt Prayer for Those Who Have Been Rejected of…
Read MoreAggressive Cancer Diagnosis Prayer
This Aggressive Cancer Diagnosis Prayer can be a strong support for someone facing a cancer type that doctors say grows or spreads more quickly than other cancers. Aggressive Cancer Diagnosis Prayer Dear God, _________________________ has been told by the doctors that they have an aggressive form of cancer. Hearing a diagnosis is hard enough, but…
Read MoreTraumatic Brain Injury Prayer for Recovery
This traumatic brain injury prayer for recovery can be used by family, friends and prayer groups to avail TBI patients of God’s presence and healing power as they go through recovery. Traumatic Brain Injury Prayer for Recovery Dear God our healer, We pray today for _______________ who has suffered a traumatic brain injury. We thank…
Read MorePrayer to Overcome Insecurity and Lack of Confidence
This prayer to overcome insecurity and lack of confidence will help you claim God’s strength and support when you are feeling self-conscious, uncertain and inadequate. Prayer to Overcome Insecurity and Lack of Confidence Father, I come to You in prayer as Your child. Please help me as I am wrestling with insecurity and lack of…
Read MorePain Relief Prayer for Physical Pain
Use this physical pain relief prayer to receive God’s help when you are enduring pain. Physical pain can affect your body, mind and spirit, including your energy and your ability to work and think. It affects your mood, your outlook and makes you feel alone and isolated. For these reasons, prayer is essential when you…
Read MoreGod Heal Me Prayer Personal Healing Prayer
This God heal me prayer will help you express your personal prayer for healing to God. This God Heal Me Prayer can help you pray when you are sick, injured, hospitalized, having medical tests, chronically ill, undergoing treatment or doing rehabilitation. God Heal Me Prayer Dear God heal me. Please send your miraculous power.…
Read MoreWaiting for Medical Test Results Prayer
Waiting for medical tests and waiting for medical test results is a very scary process, especially when you are waiting for a diagnosis for a problem or when a check-up or routine screening has uncovered something of concern. This Waiting for Medical Test Results Prayer can help lower your stress level and rely on God…
Read MoreAccidental Fall Victim Prayer for Physical and Emotional Recovery
This Accidental Fall Victim Prayer helps you honestly pray to God about the physical and emotional effects after falling. After an accidental fall, attention is often focused on diagnosing and treating the physical injuries. Prayer can be a way of honestly exploring your emotional reactions as you seek God’s help in coping with this…
Read MorePrayer for Emotional Wellbeing and Good Health
This emotional wellness prayer will help you receive God’s help in keeping your thoughts, emotions and behaviors healthy. Emotional wellness means that your inner life provides you with the stability and resilience to handle the stress, joys and difficulties of life. Because God is the source of the strength and stability of our emotional…
Read MoreFlu Healing Prayer for Those Dealing with the Flu and Other Viruses
Those dealing with the flu and other viruses can be helped by praying this flu healing prayer for them. Often dealing with the flu is not a fast process where instant healing happens. Instead dealing with the flu or other viruses takes time as God’s healing power works through the body’s natural ability to fight…
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