Election Loss Prayer
After the election loss of a candidate or cause that we have supported, we can turn to God in prayer for perspective, comfort and guidance. Here is an election loss prayer that you can use to tell God about your thoughts, feelings, hopes and fears.
Election Loss Prayer
Dear Ruler of the Universe, I come bringing to you my disappointment and feelings of loss because of the outcome of this election. Here is the candidate or issue that I felt strongly about that did not end up on the winning side.
Here are the reasons that I felt strongly about this candidate or issue and why I had hoped that they would be validated by this election __________________________.
Because of my feelings that this candidate or cause was worthy of my support, I am greatly disappointed. I find it hard to believe that the majority of others don’t see life from my viewpoint. I pray that this election loss will not negate the validity of my viewpoint nor make me feel that I am an outsider or that I am being discriminated against, rejected or devalued as an individual. I now pour out my feelings to you about this loss ______________________.
I pray that you will guard my heart and mind and bring a sense of acceptance, peace and healing. Give me understanding into why this has happened and how to go forward from here.
Show me practical and effective ways to continue to express and promote the values and causes that matter most to me. Show me ways to work within our country, society and community to promote and uphold these values.
Grant me graciousness and wisdom in dealing with those whose viewpoints aren’t like mine and help me to engage in honest and open dialogue with those who are willing to listen.
I stand and act on the following promises in the Bible:
“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (I Timothy 2:1-4 NIV)
“The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.” (Proverbs 21:1)
I pray that you will guide those who have won the election that they will respect those with other positions and viewpoints. Please help them to moderate their views, to listen and to move toward reconciliation, healing and unity. Help us to meet on the good middle ground of brotherhood and sisterhood, of mutual care and compassion.
I end by asking you for strength, commitment and for wisdom on how to continue to actively support my candidate and cause in order to change and improve our world. I pray all of these things in your mighty name, Amen.
About this prayer
My son texted me that I should write a prayer on this topic after a surprising upset in a presidential election. Our church realized the complexities of this particular election and we held several prayer events because there seemed to be so much fear and anxiety about what might happen when either side won.
We decided to open our sanctuary all day for personal prayer on the day before the election, on the day of the election and on the day after the election.
On election night, nearly everyone in the country had been led to believe by the polls that the outcome would be completely different than what actually happened.
The day after the election when I entered the sanctuary for prayer I noticed one woman in particular sitting in a side pew with her head bowed down on her arm on the back of the pew in front of her, obviously in anguished prayer. I didn’t know who she was but when I took my seat to pray, I began to think of all of those who might feel rejected and disenfranchised by this election loss on a very personal level because of the issues involved. I thought about the hopes and fears that often collide during elections.
No matter which side we have voted for, prayers for healing and reconciliation is very needed.
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The core values of Prayer Igniters and this website: Focused, respectful, inclusive
Please note that this prayer is written in general terms to be used after any election, local or national in any community, state or country. Our ministry does not take positions on any political issue nor do we support or endorse any political candidates. We offer this prayer as a means of meeting the spiritual needs for prayers that help people express their feelings, hopes and needs to God on any subject of importance to them. This prayer in no way reflects any personal opinions on any political race or election outcome.
Copyright Karen Barber 2016. All rights reserved.