Voters Prayer During Elections
Having the privilege of voting for our local and national leaders brings with it the responsibility to use our vote wisely. Praying for God’s guidance for ourselves and for our fellow citizens in electing good leaders makes our governments stronger. Here is a voter’s election prayer that can be used for local or national elections.
Voter’s Prayer during Elections
Dear Creator of the Universe,
We come to you today during the process of electing new leaders to represent us, govern us, administer justice and to create laws. We thank you that leadership is a noble cause created by You and one that carries with it large responsibilities about being the guardian of the public trust with the goal of working toward the highest common good for all people.
It is no less of a great responsibility for us as a voter to do our part in casting our vote for a person who possesses the God –given qualities that will keep us united and free.
We pray against the obstacles that keep us from being effective voters.
We pray we will not fall prey to the apathy that often comes over us as voters when we think that no matter who is in office, all leaders are alike and our problems are too big to be solved. Instead generate within our hearts optimism and a prayerful attitude of hope and engagement.
We pray against the tendency to focus on polls and popularity as a gauge to whether or not our vote will even count. Instead, help us to seek your guidance and cast our vote with faithfulness and determination.
We pray that we will not fall prey to the bombardment of warring messages from political ads, special interest groups and the media that focus on the most controversial and divisive issues of the day. Instead, help us to seek and find specific information on each candidate’s views, plans, experience, character and proposed programs in order to know how to vote.
We pray you will help us overcome our tendency to judge candidates based on a single issue that is near and dear to our hearts. Instead help us to discern what the most important issues are in the bigger arena.
Teach us how to pray about our own vote. May we bring you into our decision process so we might be guided by your wisdom which is above all human wisdom.
Engage us in prayer about the election process as a whole and for all of those who will also be voting. We pray that the election process will be fair and honest and free from fraud and technical difficulties. May your Holy Spirit be at work in all of us during this time of choice.
We end by thanking you for giving us the gift of free will and of choice as our God –given right from you that carries with it great responsibility. May we submit ourselves to the admonition of Moses to the people of Israel who were about to begin a new chapter as a nation by entering the Promised Land. “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life.” (Deuteronomy 30:19,20 NIV)
May we choose your guidance today as we consider how to vote. Amen.
Copyright Karen Barber 2016. All rights reserved.