Biblical Guided Prayer for National Day of Prayer Using Daniel’s Prayer from the Bible
This Biblical guided prayer for the National Day of Prayer uses the prayer Daniel prayed in Daniel chapter 9 in the Bible. This guided prayer for the National Day of prayer can be used in church services, small groups or for personal prayer time. Daniel chapter 9 is appropriate because Daniel prayed these words when deeply concerned over the situation of his country, which had been conquered by a foreign power because of their unfaithfulness to God. Because of the power of this prayer, Daniel 9:19 was used as the theme of the National Day of Prayer in 2017.
How to do this prayer
This prayer is designed so that a leader quotes selected verses from Daniel 9 and then says a few words related to the passage inst5ructing others to say silent private prayers that name specifics about the situation of our country that relate to the passage. The leader then pauses and allows a time of silence for the group to pray for each subject.
Please note that the verses have been put in parenthesis as a reference for the leader and are not said out loud. They can be included if the prayer is printed for the group.
Biblical Guided Prayer for National Day of Prayer Using Daniel’s Prayer from the Bible
Leader’s introduction:
Since a theme verse for the National Day of Prayer is from Daniel 9:19, I have created a guided prayer from Daniel 9 as a framework. In this guided prayer, I will pray a verse from Daniel with the exact words Daniel prayed so many years ago. Then I will pray a short statement that echoes the spirit of Daniel’s prayer. Then I will pause as we each silently respond to the prayer with our own silent prayers and petitions.
Let us pray:
O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with all who love him and obey his commands … ( vs. 4 )
We now pause and pray silently thanking you for the specific ways that you have shown your love and mercy to us as a nation
Silent Prayer
We have sinned and done wrong, and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws… ( v. 5 )
We now pause and pray silently, naming the specific ways that we as a nation have turned away from your and the things we have done that are against your ways
Silent Prayer
O Lord, in keeping with all your righteous acts, turn away your wrath… (v. 16)
We now pray silently, asking for your mercy, your healing and restoring power for our nation for these specific things that are against God’s ways
Silent Prayer
Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, O Lord, look with favor … (v. 17)
We now ask for your favor upon our nation. Here are the things in which we need your power and help
Silent Prayer
Give ear, O God, and hear; open your eyes and see. We do not make request of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy… (v. 18)
We now ask you to help us see our nation the way you see it. Here is something you are prompting me to pray because of your viewpoint of our nation
Silent Prayer
Oh Lord, listen. ( v. 19)
We thank you for listening to our prayer.
Oh Lord, forgive. (v. 19)
We pray that you will forgive the sins of our nation.
Oh Lord, hear and act! (v. 19)
We thank you that you have heard. We pray that you will act. And we pray that we will be directed and empowered to act in concert with your desires for our nation. We now ask you to reveal to us the ways in which you desire us to act in cooperation with your desires for our nation
Silent Prayer
For your sake, O my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your name… (v. 19)
We thank you that our country was founded on trust in you. May we bear your name in our individual lives, in our families, in our church, in our community and in our nation in a way that pleases and glorifies you.
We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who forgives, redeems and calls us to bear witness to his glory. Amen.
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Copyright Karen Barber 2017. All rights reserved.