This back to school prayer for grandchildren asks for God’ s blessings as they begin a new school year.  This prayer also asks for God’s protection and guidance during the school year.

Back to School Prayer for Grandchildren

Lord, school is about to begin again and my grandchildren are foremost in my mind.

Before I had grandchildren, everyone told me how much joy they would bring, how my life would be enriched by these adorable creatures, how I could love and spoil them and send them home to their parents. All true!

What they didn’t tell me about was the worry. No, they aren’t my children, but they are my heart. And just as I worried about their parents, I worry about my grandkids.

A new school year is scary, Lord. Please help my grandchildren to make friends. Please place them in classes with teachers who care, who love what they do.

Please instill in them the hunger to learn, to do their best. And Lord, please protect these precious children from the temptations and dangers that are rampant in our world today. Drugs, alcohol, preoccupation with social media, excessive gaming, bullying – all things that could destroy a child.

Just be with the children, Lord. Not just my beloved ones, but all the children heading back to school. With you watching over them, directing their steps, they will be OK.  Thank you for being our Divine Teacher.


About this back to school prayer

I have four grandchildren, ages 15, 14, 13 and 8. Two kids in high school, one in middle school and one in elementary school.

The older two are transferring to a new school and it’s a nervous time for them and for their parents. My only granddaughter is in her last year of middle school and she’s had some problems in the past with mean girls. My youngest grandson, who will be in third grade, tends to be shy and anxious.

This feels just like the start of school with my own four kids – all the worries and hopes and dreams for each of them. I just have to give it to God. I can’t do much for these children but pray for them and be there if they need me. But I will trust in the Lord to do the rest.

Other school prayers

Back to School Prayer

Teacher Appreciation Prayer of Blessing and Support

Prayer for School Administrators for Encouragement and Blessing

Bully Victim Prayer for the Victims of Bullies

Test Anxiety Prayer Using Scriptures

Sharing Your Faith with Your Grandchild Prayer

Other articles by Pat Butler Dyson

Accidental Fall Victim Prayer for Physical and Emotional Recovery

Waiting for Medical Test Results Prayer

A Prayer for Strength

Unborn Baby Prayer of Love, Protection and Blessing

New Mother Returning to Work Prayer After Maternity Leave

Copyright Pat Butler Dyson  2018.  All rights reserved.