World Communion Day Prayer for Peace and Unity

This is a prayer for peace, unity and reconciliation used on Worldwide Communion Sunday to celebrate our unity across denominations and nationalities as we promote peace and justice throughout the earth.
World Communion Day Prayer
We give thanks to you through your Son, Jesus Christ,
who is the way that leads to peace.
He is the true Word that brings salvation and the source of eternal life.
He is the hand stretched out to sinners,
the one who became a servant
that we might learn to seek after heavenly things
and so find our way to one another.
Therefore we celebrate the reconciliation that Christ has gained for us.
Lord our God, your Son has entrusted this pledge of love to us,
and so we celebrate the memory of his death and resurrection.
Accept us together with your Son.
Pour out your Holy Spirit on these gifts,
and fill us with that same Spirit as we share this meal,
so that all which divides us may be healed.
Inspire us to be your people of reconciliation.
Make your church throughout the world to be a sign of unity
and an instrument of peace.
Bring quickly that new world
where the fullness of your peace will be revealed.
Keep us watchful for that day when
people of every race, language and way of life
will gather to share in the one eternal banquet with Jesus Christ our Lord.
Through him, with him, and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, now and forever.
About This Prayer
The prayer was inspired by the Roman Catholic Mass of Reconciliation II and carries no copyright restrictions. A Korean translation by Dr. John J. Park. was part of the opening liturgy of the 19th World Methodist Conference held in July 2006 in Seoul, Korea.
History of World communion Sunday
World Communion Sunday began in 1936 in the Presbyterian Church and later spread to other denominations. It is celebrated the first Sunday in October as churches participate in communion services in their own local congregations. As the world becomes closer connected through globalization, conflicts arise and divisions appear between people and nations, this celebration takes on greater meaning as a unifying force. On this day Christians celebrate our oneness with Christ and become empowered by His Grace to serve as peacemakers in the world.
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Copyright Karen Barber 2018. All rights reserved.