Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Here is a Thanksgiving prayer for you that can be used as a Thanksgiving Day table blessing or as a personal prayer of thanksgiving to God for all of the wonderful ways he blesses our lives.
Thanksgiving Day Prayer
Dear Father, at Thanksgiving we come to you in celebration of the things you have given us that make our lives full of hope and joy.
We realize that we are blessed with many good things such as a home to shelter us, nutritious food to give us energy and health and work to support our families. And yet beyond even that you have provided countless conveniences that make our lives easier, enabling us accomplish many things with the time you give us each day.
But to truly embrace Thanksgiving we turn our eyes off the gifts and onto you, the Giver of all good gifts. Without you none of the things we have would have meaning.
Without you, our lives would be empty, directionless and without challenge or vision. We thank you that your presence gives us strength in our times of difficulty, your word gives us hope in times of despair and your promises give us glimpses of eternity in the face of tragedy and loss.
Thank you that your dear son Jesus leads the way of sacrificial love, giving us the strength to love and give beyond our own capabilities.
Thank you that we can be people of courage, faith and passion for your Kingdom and that these things make life satisfying beyond measure.
Thank you that we can give ourselves wholeheartedly to you knowing that you have given your son Jesus wholeheartedly to us.
We are humbled by your generosity, and strengthened by the fact that although we deserve so little you give us so much. The words “thank you” are so inadequate to express what we need to say and do in response to your bounty of mercies and blessings.
Accept our feeble attempt at expressing a small token of gratitude. Help us live out our gratitude each day by our obedience to you and through our heartfelt service to your Kingdom. We pray this in the name of the greatest gift of all, Jesus our Savior, Amen.
Other related prayers
Copyright Karen Barber 2012. All rights reserved.