Romantic Relationships Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you that You created romantic love and realtionships. You know the depth of my feelings and hopes for the future about my romantic relationship with ____________.
Here are the things that I am so thankful that he/she brings to my life…
Here are the things I see in this person that I have always looked for in a life partner…
As wonderful as our relationship is, I realize that opening myself up to someone else makes me vulnerable to possible heartbreak, yet I believe love is well worth the risk. Sometimes I feel insecure. Here are some things from my past relationships and this relationship that sometimes hold me back…
Lord, you also know that there are pieces of our lives that don’t exactly fit together right now. Here are the facts, logistics and external factors of the relationship that need to be worked out…
(Examples: not able to spend time together due to geographical location/job demand, age differences, unfinished business such as education, concerns about economics and making a living, children from previous marriage, controlling family members, cultural differences, etc.)
You also created each of us as unique people. Help us to appreciate and enjoy our differences and to discuss them openly so they won’t get in the way. Here are some of our personality differences that we need your help with…
(Examples: Either partner’s differing lifestyle, personal habits, attitudes, personality traits, life goals, interpersonal skills, communication skills, low/high self image, control issues, dependability, maturity, emotional baggage etc.)
Here are some of the faith issue we could use your help on…
I ask that you will give me discernment to see any red flags that I need to pay attention to in our relationship. I know that verbal, mental or physical abuse are very serious and should be dealt with immediately by professionals. Please help me listen to you now to here whether there are any signs of abuse on which I need to seek immediate help…
I realize that I’m feeling so happy right now that it’s remotely possible that I might be looking at things with rose colored glasses. Here are some things my friends and family have been saying to me about our relationship that I need Your truth about…
I pray that you will strengthen our ability to communicate as a couple, especially on the following issues…
Please make me aware of the times we both have unrealistic expectations about our relationship based on books, movies and people we know. Please show me one unrealistic expectation that has been a problem for us that I may not be aware of…
I pray now for the future of our relationship. Here are my hopes and dreams for our future together…
I pray that you bless my partner with all good things. Here is my prayer of blessing for him/her…
I thank you so much for bringing this special person into my life. I know that You love me much more deeply than anyone in this world can ever love me. Thank you that Your love makes me strong enough to love others. Here is my prayer of thankfulness to You…
Cover us in your love. I pray this in the name of Jesus, the one who loves us so much that He laid down His own life for our sake. Amen.