good way to celebrate the Fourth of July is to take time to pray for our country, to pray for our military, our government and our citizens.  Here is a prayer that can be used on a family Fourth of July celebration or in a church service.

Fourth of July Prayer

Lord God, thank you for more than 200 years of freedom, protection, and blessing in America.

Help us not to forget the blessings and opportunity you give us each day.

Make us not forget the sacrifice of the many for all of us who live free today in our nation.

We pray for the safety of all of our military today.

We pray for our leaders from the mayors to the President that you would guide them to make wise and godly decisions that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in godliness and honesty, as the Scripture says, (I Timothy 2:1-4).

Father, remind us to pray when we are tempted to complain.

Remind us to have faith.

Remind us to see our prayers as a tool of influence.

You are that influence.

We pray for godly leaders and a godly influence in our homes, churches, institutions, businesses, and communities across our nation.

Most of all, we thank you for your presence and power for you are the Source of all holiness, happiness, joy, and contentment. Amen.

Copyright Joe Hethcoat 2011

Photo courtesy of Mary Lou Carney

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