Outdoor Prayer Labyrinth Montreat North Carolina

Location Name
Ourdoor Prayer Labyrinth, Montreat North Carolina
Street Address
Graybeard Trail
Montreat Conference Center
Type of Prayer Place
Prayer Walk/Labyrinth
The Prayer Labyrinth at Montreat Conference Center (Presbyterian Church USA) is painted on the wooden floor of a gazebo on the mountainside away from other activities on the edge of the 2,500 permanently protected acres of wilderness. The labyrinth itself is small and simple in design in keeping with the setting on the quiet mountainside which adds to the peacefulness and meditative qualities.
How I used this place of prayer
We arrived late on a cold winter afternoon as the long shadows of the mountain were hiding the sunshine, so we only spent a few moments of briefly walking. Even without doing a thorough prayer pilgrimage on the labyrinth, simply standing in the center in quiet meditation helped us focus on God’s nearness.
Hours of Operation & Admission Requirements
: Daylight ; No admission
Contact Information / Sponsoring Organization
Montreat Conference Center 800-572-2257 or www.montreat.org “Founded upon the ideal of renewal, both spiritual and physical, Montreat is a treasured sanctuary for rest, inspiration, education, and fellowship.”
Personal Tips
Wear good walking shoes as there is a fairly steep climb up to the small reservoir. Also, dress appropriately for the weather. Parking is extremely limited, however I strongly recommend driving to the site as it is not within comfortable walking distance of the heart of the Conference Center and ascends a mountainside.
Added by Karen Barber on April 22, 2011