Munich Germany Airport Prayer Room

Location Name
Munich Airport prayer Room
Street Address
Terminal 2 Level H
Munich, Germany
Type of Prayer Place
This is an all-faith prayer and meditation spot that’s very modern in design in keeping with the architecture of the terminal. There is a dark outer area with benches along a dark wall and an inner cube of a room made out of opaque plexiglass that is lite from the bottom and sides. In the center of the room is a large tree trunk with no branches that goes from the floor to the ceiling. There are no other furnishings in this lighted cubicle other than prayer rugs.
Over time people have written religious sentiments on the tree trunk, predominantly from Christianity and Islam.
How I used this place of prayer
I was traveling to a mission trip to Romania and we had been on a nightmare saga of cancelled and missed flights over a 4 day period. We had just missed our flight to Timisoara, Romania and our team was very depressed. We explored the prayer room together, then I came back by myself later. It was a relief to be in a quiet spot where prayer was possible. I sat on the bench outside of the lighted cubicle and I thanked God for getting us this far and asked for help for the final leg of our journey.
I was personally a bit unsure of all of the competing messages written on the tree trunk and I felt that the designers hadn’t intended this to be a place where we wrote religious graffiti.
Hours of Operation & Admission Requirements
Must have a valid boarding pass. Open 24 hours a day
Added by Karen Barber on June 27, 2011