Location Name
Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Juneau, Alaska

Street Address
416 5th Ave.


Type of Prayer Place

The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Juneau, Alaska is blessed with a series of unique religious artwork in the form of stained glass windows. Many of these windows depict interactions Jesus had with women and his disciples. Don’t miss the very special triple window in the Narthex that depicts the wedding feast at Cana.

How I used this place of prayer
I sat in the sanctuary enjoying the feeling of holiness under the broad dark timbered ceiling crowning this sanctuary.

Contact Information / Sponsoring Organization

Personal Tips
This church is located within a block of the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas. From the cruise ship terminal, walk north on S Franklin Street up the steep hill. Turn right onto 5th street and go 2 blocks.

Added by Karen Barber on September 29, 2014