This Cleansing Prayer Accepting God’s Grace is needed because even when we try hard to be our best selves there’s always a hidden part of our thoughts or actions that aren’t good and pure.  Thankfully, God’s grace and cleansing power are available to us every day.  Here is a prayer to help us accept and…

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This prayer to grow spiritually uses the examples of how to cultivate sunflowers that point out some of the things we need to grow in faith.   Here are some prayer steps to take in growing spiritually. Ask God to show you a preview of how beautiful your spiritual life can be if properly nurtured.   WE…

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You can experience a prayer breakthrough by holding an honest conversation with God when you are feeling intense emotions.  This can lead to a closer relationship with God where your prayers will become much more than just reciting holy words.  Here are some ideas to help you learn how to honestly talk to God about…

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Praying honestly about our feelings both good and bad can help avoid the consequences of regretting things said and done that we do when under the influence of highly charged emotions and feelings. Here is a prayer for you written by counselor Rev. Greg Griffin that will give you God’s help with your feelings and…

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