Should you pray over every detail of a big situation every day?

One of our readers who was interested in trying our prayer to find your soul mate wrote and asked me whether she should pray the whole prayer every day. That’s a great question because this prayer is quite detailed!
That’s because the prayer helps you have a prayerful conversation with God as to what qualities are the most important to you in a marriage partner and about how to go about life in the meantime. That’s a huge undertaking.
Here’s what I told her: The prayer that I posted online in itself is not the perfect or powerful prayer. It’s meant to be a good starting point for your personal conversation with God. Instead of trying to pray the whole prayer every day, why don’t you sit down in God’s presence and make yourself available to God’s love. Read over the prayer once quickly, then let your inner sense of your needs pick out a single part of it to pray about today.
After all, God already knows what we need before we ask!