Waiting Like Daniel for God to Move to Answer Prayers
When we make a prayer request we sometimes wonder if our prayers to God have been heard. Yet when we engage in daily prayer God hears and his hand is moving in unseen ways in the spiritual realm. A remarkable example is found in the Bible verses in Daniel 10:1-21 where an angel tells Daniel that for the last 21 days since he began praying, God’s army of angels have been fighting on his behalf. Gifted poet Merissa Lee Kelly shares a word of comfort and confidence with us from Daniel in her poem “Twenty-One Days.”
“Twenty-One Days”
“Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your
heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God,
your words were heard…”
When it comes to prayer so many times, we fail to understand
The moment that we call His name…God begins to move His hand
Since we may not see a quick result or any change at all
We must have faith to persevere and trust He heard our call
Trusting when our circumstances remain the same is tough
We wonder if it’s worth the effort…cause we’ve really had enough!
So what’s the point of praying more when the answer doesn’t come?
Well, let me tell you about a man and the number twenty-one
Chapter ten in the book of Daniel gives a wonderful, detailed view
Of prayer and fasting…of perseverance…of strength to start anew
For twenty-one days Daniel prayed, although no answer came
But in the realm beyond the physical…it was anything but tame
For a battle raged…with intense assaults…but Daniel couldn’t see
The spiritual forces that advanced and attacked, while he was on his knees
The angel Michael was called in to help…as the enemy charged once more
But Daniel’s prayers…in the hands of God…slam-dunked him to the floor!
The angel arrived and let Daniel know that he had no need to fear
From the very first day, his words were heard…very loud and clear
Twenty-one days of persistent prayer had stormed the enemy’s gates
Which gave Daniel the reassurance…that God is never late
Why twenty-one days? Only God knows and that’s a crucial key
To unlock the door of trusting God…when we plainly do not see
The battles fought on our behalf could overwhelm our soul
So we must do our part and pray…and let God be in control
Praying makes the enemy nervous…that’s why he fights so long
Because he knows the more we pray…our faith and trust grow strong
So don’t give up…keep pressing in…the answer is on the way
God’s hand starts moving on our behalf…when we begin to pray
Copyright Merissa Lee Kelley 2007. All rights reserved.