The Autobiography of George Muller

Prayer Category
inspiration and intercession


The Autobiography of George Muller (paperback edition published by Whitaker House) was written by clergyman George Muller in the 1830’s in England. Muller believed strongly in prayer and that God truly blesses those who pray, so he embarked upon keeping this journal as proof that when we pray in trusting faith, God hears and answers. Though he had very little personal means, he began his ministry on faith, deciding never to ask anyone for money or provision except for God. He felt that God would lay it upon the hearts of others to give when he was in need. After using this method in regards to his personal salary from the parish, he began other more ambitious missions and outreaches, including school, a Bible distribution society and finally orphanages.

Many of the entries are dated and tell about a pressing need and/or an answer that came, whether in the form of a few half pennies or hundreds of pounds. Interspersed in the diary like entries are short instructions on intercessory prayer and scriptures on which we might rely.

The results of Muller’s ministry are stunning for any day and age, much less for 19th century England. There are many times when he was in dire need and at these times, he prayed all the more ardently and had others in his inner circle pray just as ardently with him. Without fail, the needed provisions always came unexpectedly, whether via someone dropping by with loaves of bread to feed the orphans or a benefactor sending a sum of money in a letter.


I think every praying Christian should read this book because it offers a very strong challenge to the reader to rely more on prayer instead of on our own efforts to provide for ourselves. When a friend gave me this book, I already knew a little about George Muller from other resources but had never read his actual words.

The first thing I noticed is that this book is quite readable, which surprised me when comparing it to other historical writings. The second thing that struck me was that Muller wrote this as a testimony or proof about God’s faithfulness in answering prayer. The third thing that hit me was how far from his kind of trust and faith my prayer life is. Could this sort of total trust be possible today in my own life? George Muller’s book will certainly get you seriously thinking about how much you truly rely on God instead of your own efforts or resources and how seriously and expectantly you pray when you are in need.

Added by Karen Barber on August 2, 2012