Posts Tagged ‘prayer times’
Increasing the Power of Your Prayers by Developing Regular Prayer Time
The power of your prayer life increases dramatically according to the amount of time that you actually pray. When we set the goal of praying more often, having a practical daily plan prevents obstacles from getting in the way. Without a plan, prayer time gets cut short, postponed and forgotten because of busy schedules with…
Read MoreCell Phone Prayer Mode
Do you have the best cell phone plan for your prayer time? Here is a free cell phone prayer that will help you put yourself and your phone into prayer mode and to overcome FOMO, or the fear of missing out if you don’t look at all texts, updates,emails and messages the instant you get…
Read MoreNot Enough Time to Concentrate on Prayer
There was no time to pray this morning. Happens a lot. But I know, the minute I hit freeway gridlock, my prayer-life will take on new wings. Goes something like this: Turning down the car radio, I grip more tightly to the wheel. “Dear Lord (I begin), thank you for my family (I name them…
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