Starting a Mutual Support and Care Prayer Group
What is a Mutual Support and Care Prayer Group?
A Mutual Support and Care Prayer Group is a group of people who are walking through a similar life path that agree to meet and support each other in prayer. They meet together to share personal needs, struggles, and opportunities, and then they spend time praying for each other.
Why start a Mutual Support and Care Prayer Group?
When those who are walking the same life path join together in prayer for each other:
- It is spiritually uplifting
- Members of the group are encouraged by seeing and experiencing answers to prayer
- Members of the group are comforted knowing that others are walking through the same life situation. They know that they are not alone.
Where does a Mutual Support and Care Prayer Group meet?
At a church, among co-workers, in a neighborhood clubhouse, or a home.
Who can be part of a Mutual Support and Care Prayer Group?
Members share something important in common in their personal life walk. A common bond could be found in:
- age groups: young singles, parents of teenagers, senior citizens
- life situations: recently divorced, cancer survivors, those dealing with infertility, job seekers, families of Alzheimer’s patients
- similar life quests: college students, aspiring writers, artists, social activists, ministry leaders
- similar professions: teachers, firefighters, caregivers
When does a Mutual Support and Care Prayer Group meet?
At a time convenient for all members. Be creative! For instance, preschool moms could meet for one hour after they drop their children off at the church preschool.
How do you start a Mutual Support and Care Prayer Group?
1. Answer the calling from the Holy Spirit to form a prayer group.
2. Identify a common bond, such as a similar need or concern.
3. Pray about whom to invite and when and where to meet.
4. Designate a leader and/or assistant leaders. This person(s) will handle logistics, leading the discussion/prayer time, and member care.
5. Communicate guidelines to the group:
- focus on praying for each other (no outside requests)
- strict confidentiality
- nonjudgmental attitude towards what is shared within the group
- keep the group small (2 is enough to begin, but no more than 12)
- commit to attend all meetings possible
- refrain from trying to “fix” each others’ problems; pray for help and guidance
6. Learn to prayer together. Be sure to keep a comfortable atmosphere for different experience levels in prayer.
Tips / Notes:
- The “busyness” of those involved in challenging life situations may be an obstacle to their joining such a prayer group. Pray for a time and place members can easily work into their schedules.
- To keep prayer and caring the focus of the time together, make it a rule to spend equal amount of time in prayer as is spent sharing needs, joys, and concerns.
Background Scriptures:
Acts 1:14; 4:23-31
Hebrews 10:23-25
James 5:13-18
Those who may be interested in this Prayer Blueprint:
prayer group leaders, discipleship group leaders, missionaries, pastors, ministry leaders, parents
Gateways to Prayer involved: Intercession Gateway, Mutual Prayer Support Gateway
To find out more:
Prayer by Proxy When the Person You’re Praying for Isn’t Present
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