Praying One-Sentence Prayers in a Group
Praying One-Sentence Prayers in a Group
Many people are afraid to pray out loud in a group setting. This prayer project is designed to create a simple prayer setting where beginners in group prayer will feel comfortable saying a few simple words of prayer out loud.
What is “Praying One-Sentence Prayers in a Group”?
Praying one-sentence prayers is a way to pray out loud in a group setting. After a prayer request is introduced by the leader, each person prays just one sentence for that particular request.
Why pray one-sentence prayers in a group setting?
- To help people learn to feel comfortable praying out loud in a group. Most people are fearful of praying out loud in a group setting. Encouraging everyone to pray just one sentence on the same topic takes the pressure off to have to come up with a long beautiful prayer like “that really good pray-er” usually does. It also helps someone get used to hearing the sound of their own voice out loud within a group setting. If someone has never prayed out loud, then just getting used to the sound of his or her own voice begins the process of feeling more at ease when praying with a group.
- To spend less time sharing prayer requests and more time actually praying.
- Every person has an opportunity to pray what the Holy Spirit speaks to his or her heart.
Where do you pray one-sentence prayers?
In any setting where a group of Christian believers have gathered together to pray. This could be in a home, at a church, or outside in a natural setting.
Who can pray one-sentence prayers?
Everyone: all ages, all levels of spiritual maturity, and all levels of prayer experience.
When do you pray one-sentence prayers?
This idea can be used whenever Christians get together to pray and
- someone may be learning how to pray, or
- someone may be uncomfortable praying out loud in front of other people
- you need or desire a time of intense prayer where everyone has a turn to pray
How do you do this?
- The Prayer Group Leader instructs everyone in the Prayer Group to pray a one-sentence prayer while praying around the prayer circle for each request that will be shared.
- The Prayer Group Leader introduces a subject for prayer. For example, a prayer request for a church member who has been diagnosed with cancer.
- The Prayer Group Leader begins the prayer time by praying a one-sentence prayer for this particular request. Then, each person in the circle also prays one sentence for this same request.
- The Prayer Group Leader continues in the same manner for other prayer requests. Other options: Each person could say a one-sentence prayer of thanksgiving for something God did in his or her life that week or just a one-sentence personal prayer request for himself or herself.
- The Prayer Group Leader closes the time in prayer with a concluding prayer, a Scripture reading, or perhaps leading the group in singing a hymn or praise song.
Tips / Notes:
- The Prayer Group Leader may need to speak with those ahead of time who normally pray out loud freely, sharing the motive behind praying this particular way and encouraging them to be sure to pray just one sentence.
- You will be amazed how one individual prayer request will be completely covered in prayer from all different angles even when people are only praying one-sentence prayers!
Background Scriptures:
Nehemiah (Nehemiah 6:9)
Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:4-10)
Jesus (Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 17:6)
Those who may be interested in this Prayer Blueprint:
prayer group leaders, leaders of discipleship groups, missionaries, pastors, parents
Gateways to Prayer involved:
Personal Growth Gateway or Intercession Gateway
To find out more:
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