Prayer: Conversing with God by Rosalind Rinker

Prayer Category
how to pray

Publisher: Zondervan

This book is a prayer classic on conversational prayer.

Review: Someone recommended this book to me many years ago, and it revolutionized my own personal prayer life. God became a Person that I conversed with in prayer, and not just someone who I talked at in prayer. The book is based mainly on the meaning and content of the verses in Matthew 18:19-20. The author knows firsthand that group prayer has lost its meaning for many Christians.

Rinker opened her preface by saying, “I have discovered that prayer’s real purpose is to put God at the center of our attention, and forget ourselves and the impression we are making on others.” Praying conversationally “makes prayer such a natural means of ‘spiritual togetherness’ that the healing love of God touches us all as we are in His presence. Meeting the Lord in this way brings us to the anticipated realization of what it means to be consciously with Him, and to belong to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.”

Prayer is:
�being in God’s Presence
�a dialogue between two people who love each other
�the beginning of a new relationship
�conversation in everyday language

“Prayer: Conversing with God” is an inspiring and quick read. Since most of the content is autobiographical, it is also an engaging read.

I believe this gem of a book should be read by every Christian, especially those who are learning how to pray. This book is also an excellent book for a prayer group to read and/or study together. It is usually the first book that I mention when someone asks me to recommend a book to deepen his or her prayer life.
Added by Trina Dofflemyer on March 4, 2013