Let the Whole Church Say Amen! by Laurence Hull Stookey

Let the Whole Church Say Amen! A Guide for Those Who Pray in Public by Laurence Hull Stookey
Prayer Category
How to pray
Published by Abingdon Press, Nashville. This book is used in Divinity schools and also in Lay Speaker classes to help beginners gain confidence and skill in leading congregations or groups in prayer. Here is the table of contents that will show you the different topics covered:
1. Achieving Variety and Breadth
2. Another Prayer Form: The Litany
3. Constructing A Thematic Prayer Based on Scripture
4. Corporate Prayers of Confession
5. Helping All to Feel Included
6. In Conclusion
7. Learning a Basic Form for Brief Prayers
8. Learning to Pray with Vigorous Verbs
9. On Heaping Up Empty Phrases
10. On the Holiness of God
11. Patience and Persistence and Offerings to God
12. Praying About Controversial Issues
13. Praying Outside the Church (Interreligious Settings)
14. Praying to the God Who Is Present
15. Praying to the Trinity
16. Presiding at the Free Intercessions
17. Reviewing and Using the Basic Form
18. The Collect Form with Modifications
19. The EucharisticPrayer
20. The Grandeur of God and Prayer as Pure Praise
21. The Lost Art of Lament
22. The Pastoral Prayer and Related Forms
23. The Physical Aspects of Public Prayer
24. The Sounds and Silence of Public Prayer
25. To Write or Not to Write: Is That the Question?
26. Writing Prayers for Unison Use
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Review: I discovered this prayer resource as it was the textbook we used in Lay Speaker training. It certainly opened my eyes and appreciation for our ministers, who lead us in prayers each week. I learned how to write and positively deliver effective prayers in any church or civic activity. I highly recommend this book to anyone who might be somewhat uneasy when facing the potential of being called on to lead a prayer in any situation. This prayer resource will give you confidence and peace of mind, knowing that you will be well prepared to answer the call!
Steve Norris
Added by Karen Barber on January 24, 2013