Glimpse of Heaven by Sister Song

Glimpse of Heaven CD by Sister Song
You can have your child’s name inserted in this CD of lullaby type songs. “Sister Song” is two sisters Heidi Bettich Kays and Erika Bettich Ward.These are all original songs composed by each of the sisters as they sang to their babies.
There is no doubt that these songs are prayers. Erika explains about the title song “Glimpse of Heaven” that she went through two long years of unsuccessful attempts to have a child. When her daughter Michaela was born she called her “a true miracle baby.” Erika writes “Watching her grow, I became ever amazed at the depth of my love for her and felt compelled to write this song expressing the overwhelming wonder and gratitude toward God and his willingness to answer prayer.”
$20.00 for names already recorded; $150.00 for names not yet recorded
Purchase Link
This CD beautifully expresses anyone’s love for a baby in prayerful songs of love and thankfulness.
I received this as a gift from my cousin when our first grandchild, Kendall was born. When I received it I saw that “Kendall” was on a sticker on the front of case. When I played it, I was touched by the beauty of the vocals, instrumentals and lyrics and it made it seem so much more a personal meditation of thankfulness because it contained the name of my new grandbaby Kendall.
Here are some of the lyrics:
You are an angel, sent down to me from heaven above.
God’s gift is your life and the depth
Of your unending love.
In place of “You” in the CD the name of your particular child is inserted.
The first section of the CD contains 5 vocal songs into which your special child’s name is inserted:
Glimpse of Heaven
The Rocking Chair
I Dream
Time Slips Through My Fingers
Sleep, Baby, Sleep
When I gave the CD to my son and his wife, they were amazed at how well the name Kendall blended in with music.
The second section of the CD is entitled “Lullaby Land” and contains soothing instrumental versions of all of the songs “designed to encourage sweet dreams.”
Added by Karen Barber on April 22, 2011