First Lutheran Church Ketchikan Alaska

Location Name
First Lutheran Church Ketchikan
Street Address
1200 Tongass Avenue
Ketchikan, Alaska
Type of Prayer Place
Ketchikan First Lutheran Church is perched up a steep stairway overlooking the harbor and the cruise ship terminal. From the front door there’s an amazing view. Once inside you’ll find a vintage 1930 sanctuary whose white interior, stained glass windows and traditional pews that give a serene and peaceful setting for worship and meditation. In the early 1900’s Ketchikan was a thriving fishing port with many Norwegian Lutherans and in 1925 a mission was created to serve the fishermen who were far from home and family. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic places and today offers a number of mission outreaches in Alaska and around the world.
How I used this place of prayer
We were on an Alaskan cruise and I was delighted to see the inviting white steeple of this church right next to the cruise terminal. I savored several minutes drinking in the view from the front porch, then ventured inside to enjoy the peace and quiet of the sanctuary. I am also happy on my travels to find churches such as this who keep their doors open during the week for those who are looking for a quiet place of prayer and peace.
Hours of Operation & Admission Requirements
Open during church office hours Mon – Thurs 9-1. prayer
Contact Information / Sponsoring Organization
Personal Tips
The church is located about half a mile from the main downtown shopping district.
Added by Karen Barber on September 26, 2014