Columbus Day Prayer
This Columbus Day prayer focuses on both the good and bad characteristics of Christopher Columbus by asking God to grant us visionary qualities while guarding our hearts and minds from pride and the exploitation of others.
Columbus Day is celebrated on October 12 to commemorate the day in 1492 when the first European mariners discovered the Americas. It is celebrated in North and South America, the Caribbean and in Spain and Italy. Because of the divided opinions about Christopher Columbus, some areas prefer to instead celebrate a Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity as is celebrated in Argentina.
Columbus Day Prayer
Dear God of all people around the globe,
We come to you today humbly praying that you will empower us to use our vision and our ability to explore new frontiers in ways that are pleasing to you and are empowering to all people.
As we celebrate Columbus Day, we pray that we will use our talents and strengths in ways that are pleasing to you. Make us willing to challenge false notions about our world just as Columbus challenged the false notions of his day that the world was flat. Give us the courage to venture forth on the missions on which you send us when we are launching out into the unknown. Help us believe that you will guide us and will provide for us, will protect us and be with us. Keep us close to you in prayer and help us to fall on our knees in thankfulness when we reach the places you are sending us.
As we journey, we pray that you will guard our hearts and minds from the pitfalls and the types of sins and faults that Columbus fell prey to. Forgive and restrain our obsession toward self promotion. Convict us of our desires to climb the social ladder on the backs of others. Help us to be shocked at our materialistic thoughts about bottom lines, business and monetary gain that are devoid of human compassion and which break the moral laws and trounce upon the rights of others. Forgive us for enslaving others and exploiting the poor and the needy. Forgive us for believing that those of other cultures are inferior and that because they have not yet had the opportunity to embrace your gospel that they are less than worthy of your love. Instead, help us to proclaim over them your welcoming word in John 3:16 where it says, “For God so loved the world that he sent his only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”
And most of all, save us from the terrible sin of self-righteousness and twisting the holy Scriptures in ways that fit our own human desires and purposes. On Columbus Day, as we celebrate the divine opportunity as humans to be your pioneers on new frontier, help us to embody this verse in Hebrews: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful me, so that you will not grow wear and lose heart.“ (Hebrews 12:2,3 NIV)
Copyright Karen Barber 2016. All rights reserved.