Prayer Groups
Unpacking Your Emotional Backpack Prayer
Every day we carry baggage and burdens in our emotional and mental backpacks. Here is a prayer that helps us actively unpack our stress, fears and guilt via prayer. This prayer was written and used by Dr. Emmett Diggs as a congregational prayer. The last time he led the congregation in prayer had been two…
Read MoreCovering Large Numbers of Prayer Requests in Big Groups
Here’s a good prayer idea that offers a solution of how to individually cover large amounts of specific prayer requests from individuals in large group gatherings through the use of prayer request cards. How to do this prayer practice Many Christian groups like to give members the opportunity to have a personal prayer request covered…
Read MoreHow to Care for Intercessory Prayer Team Members
Knowing how to care for intercessory prayer group members will keep your prayer team strong. Intercessory prayer groups pray for the needs of others and this can sometimes be draining emotionally and spiritually. This article will help you care for intercessory prayer group members through training, volunteer appreciation, personal care and encouragement. Care for intercessory…
Read MorePrayer Breakfast Ideas
This prayer breakfast ideas article will give you a variety of prayer breakfast ideas for themes, prayer types that will work for your group, decorations, activities, food and location. Prayer Breakfast Ideas for Themes The first step in getting prayer breakfast ideas is deciding on the theme or purpose. Why are you gathering to pray? …
Read MoreHow to Pray Together Daily Using a Conference Call Prayer Line
This article will show you how to use technology to pray together using conference calls, smart phones, online meeting portals such as Zoom, social media, caring websites and text messages. How to use technology to pray together The Bible tells us that gathering together to pray daily is an effective and powerful way to…
Read MorePraying for Missions and Missionaries
Here are some creative ideas for getting others in your church involved in actively praying for missions and missionaries. How to do this prayer prayer practice: Prayer Reminders People sometimes need something visual to help them remember to pray for missionaries. I have seen many different objects used. One ministry group gives out a “prayer…
Read MoreGuided Prayer for the National Day of Prayer
Here is a prayer idea for the National Day of Prayer. This is a guided prayer for the National Day of Prayer that can be used in a church service or in a prayer group. I composed this prayer when I was asked to lead the congregation in guided prayer at a National Day of…
Read MoreA Prayer Vigil Guide for Visioning
Using this format, people were really able to tap into the power of prayer during a 48 hour prayer vigil in preparation for a visioning event at our church. People especially appreciated the fact that they had a scripture to meditate on with every suggested activity. How to do this prayer practice: 1. Make up…
Read MoreAfraid to Pray About the Small Stuff
I’ve been in Prayer Groups where women are afraid to bring up what they consider to be small stuff. Let me tell you why I think they shouldn’t be afraid to bring them up. My boys tried little league baseball. Didn’t like it. Football? Same thing. After a long line of other sport-attempts, they found…
Read MoreCharismatic Prayer – Resting in the Spirit
Throughout the Pentecostal and charismatic movements there are countless occurrences of people being “slain in the Spirit” or “resting in the Spirit” in which the person receiving prayer is overcome by God’s presence and they suddenly fall from a standing position to rest on the floor. Typically, most occurrences happen in a group setting such…
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