This Armed Forces Day Prayer of Blessing for our Military can be used in celebrations or in your private prayer time as you honor the men and women serving our country.

Armed Forces Day Prayer of Blessing for Our Military

Dear God our Father,

On Armed Forces Day we to thank you for those who are serving our country in all of the branches of the military.

We are grateful for their willingness to serve, their perseverance during training and their faithfulness in doing their daily duties big and small.

Thank you for the men and women in uniform who serve with energy, strength and enthusiasm.

Provide them with the training, equipment and knowledge to do their jobs well.  Give them excellent officers and leaders full of wisdom, knowledge and experience.

May we be inspired to live out in our own lives and communities the values of honor, sacrifice, obedience, unity, teamwork and patriotism exemplified by of our Armed Forces.

We are grateful that they have answered the call of duty and have put their personal needs and preferences aside when called to action.

Please protect those deployed in foreign places, remote areas and areas of conflict where they are in harm’s way.  Keep them alert and safe.  Strengthen them and guide them.

Our fervent prayer is that all of those in our Armed Forces will be guided by a strong faith in you as their Protector, Provider, Leader and Friend.

With them, we look forward to the day when the threat of war will cease and our soldiers will rest from their duties as God’s perfect peace at last reigns over all humankind.


About this Armed Forces Day Prayer of Blessing for Our Military  

Many countries around the world set aside a holiday to honor their men and women in uniform in the various branches of service.  It often celebrates the active duty members and their achievements.

In the US, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of May.  It differs from the US celebration of Veterans Day or Memorial Day.  On Veteran’s Day, we honor and celebrate our civilians who have previously served in the Armed Forces.  Memorial Day is set aside to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice of their lives in service to their country.

Before the establishment of Armed Forces Day in the US in 1949, there had been separate days to recognize the various branches of service such as the Air Force, Army and Navy.  The first Armed Forces Day was celebrated on May 20, 1950.

When President Truman proclaimed the first Armed Forces Day he said that our military, “is vital to the security of the nation and to the establishment of a desirable peace.”

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