PRAYER GUIDE FOR RENEWAL SPRING 2004 at Yemassee Baptist Church.
When our church needed revival we used the following prayer guide. These prayer guides were handed out during our Wednesday night adult Bible study in the sanctuary. I then challenged the adults to walk throughout the church facilities and prayer over every square inch using these specific instructions.
The purpose of this prayer guide is to break down the bonds of sin that may have crept into our fellowship and prepare our hearts, minds, emotions, and spirit for a moving of God. Why prayer walk? For God to heal our land, His people must pray (2 Chronicles 7:14). Jesus was our ultimate example and He was always busy praying (see John 17). Paul prayed throughout his epistles and said pray without ceasing (see Ephesians 1:15-19; 3:14-19). Two main reasons:
a) Helps us all focus on same area, issues, and concerns united as a body, as a church.
b) Helps us all agree in prayer.
c) Helps us all experience the same things at the same time together to build unity as a body of Christ.
a) See the needs first hand so one can visualize what you are praying for and to remember how God led you to pray. If a thought comes to mind as you are praying, even if you think is frivolous, pray it.
b) See the faces. Realize you are not just praying for the group “the youth” but rather praying for them by name.
c) Makes the prayers personal.
To begin, we need to get right with God before one can begin to left up our prayers to Him. If you would prefer, find a quiet place in the sanctuary alone to begin to study God’s Word and to pray.
1) Ask God for forgiveness for yourself. Please read and meditate on Acts 3:19 and 1 John 1:9.
If there are people you need to ask forgiveness from, write down their names and call them ASAP. Ask God to be completely cleansed of your sins and to convict you of sin that is unconfessed. Pray that you will repent from your sins. Pray that you will be made pure before Him.
2) Pray for the salvation and security of your family. Pray that those in your family will all come to Christ and to rest securely in their salvation. Pray for marriages in your family. Pray that couples will be reunited and families will be repaired. Pray that you will be an example. If you are married, pray for your marriage.
3) Pray for our church body as a whole as we begin Renewal. Pray that God will truly bring revival and refreshing to our hearts. Pray that we will be convicted of sin and repent from our sins and be turned back to God and His Word. Pray for unity and an end of gossip. Pray that God will grant us wisdom in how to proceed with Renewal this weekend. Pray that revival will come in a mighty way.
Please move to the back of the church and sit in one of the last pews.
¨ Pray for those in the back of the church that may be visitors. They may not be Christians and may have been telling God NO for decades. Pray that they will say YES this weekend. Pray that their hearts will be opened to truly hearing and accepting the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.
¨ Pray for those who may be driving by and struggling whether to stop. Pray for the effectiveness of our advertising and that God will convict those He wants here to stop. Draw them to our church and motivate us to invite people. Pray for those in the parking lot that have stopped but are debating whether to come in or not.
¨ Pray for those by name that usually sit in the back of the church during services. Pray for God to work in their hearts and lives. Pray that they will repent from their sins and be open to experience a true refreshing from Christ. Pray that they won’t be just going through the motions of playing church but rather eagerly want to hear a new word from God for their lives.
¨ Pray for the ushers and greeters. Pray that they will greet people with a smile and make them feel welcome.
Please move to the front of the church and sit in one of the front pews.
¨ Pray in the front of the church for those who may have been Christians for “150
years.” Pray for them by name. Pray that they will be open to hear a fresh word
from God. Pray that God will convict them of sin and lead them to repentance. Pray
for purity and wisdom as they lead our church.
¨ Pray for those who are in leadership to not experience “burnout” or exhaustion
by having to carry the load so often for our church. Pray for new people to help
them with their load. Pray for their walk with Christ to be refreshed and renewed.
Please move to the stage area, either sit in one of the chairs on the stage or on the stage itself.
¨ Pray for Renewal speaker—Pray for safe travel for him. Pray for a peace of mind and protection. Bind Satan from preventing him from coming or distracting him. Pray that he will be prayed up and confessed up. Pray that he will be led of the Spirit and be moved to preach and voice that which God wants him to say.
¨ Pray for our Renewal worship leader. Pray for a peace of mind and protection. Bind Satan from preventing her from coming or distracting her. Pray that she will be prayed up and confessed up. Pray that she will be led of the Spirit and be moved to sing and lead us through praise that honors God and draws us into worship that pleases Him.
Please move to the Young Adult Sunday School classroom and take a seat.
¨ Pray for the young couples in our church that are struggling. Pray that they will be drawn to Renewal and to find refreshing in their marriage, in their families, their jobs, and in their hearts. Pray for the young couples in this class and in our church. Pray for them by name and pray that they will be led to repent of sins and truly be refreshed. Pray for unity in their marriages and in their homes. Pray that the men will rise up and be leaders in their home and love and serve their wives.
¨ Pray for their teacher as he leads this class. Grant him wisdom as he teaches and leads by example. Pray that he will find refreshing in his heart and life this weekend.
Please move to the Fellowship Sunday School classroom and take a seat.
¨ Pray for the Fellowship class. Pray that God will refresh the hearts of the ladies in this class and pray that He will bless them. Pray for them by name and pray that they will be led to repent of sins and truly be refreshed. Pray for their health: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
¨ Pray for their teacher–Grant her wisdom as she teaches and leads by example. Pray that she will find refreshing in her heart and life this weekend
Please move to the Adult Co-ed class
¨ Pray for the Co-ed class. Pray that they will be drawn to Renewal and to find refreshing in their marriage, in their families, their jobs, and in their hearts. Pray for the couples in this class and in our church. Pray for them by name and pray that they will be led to repent of sins and truly be refreshed. Pray for unity in their marriages and in their homes. Pray that the men will rise up and be leaders in their home and love and serve their wives.
¨ Pray for their teacher— Grant him wisdom as he teaches and leads by example. Pray that he will find refreshing in his heart and life this weekend. Encourage and strengthen him as he leads us as music director.
Please move to the education building and walk past the children and youth rooms. As you are walking past them, lift them up in prayer. Go to the pastor’s office and find a seat to begin to pray.
¨ Pray for our pastor and his wife—Pray that God will grant him wisdom as he prepares sermons, Bible studies, and lessons for our congregation. Pray that he will grow deeper in his walk with God and live a life of integrity. Pray for their marriage and for their Bible study together. Pray for their baby in the womb. Pray for her aerobics ministry and her ministry with the women in our church. Pray for her as a pastor’s wife.
¨ Pray for the Sunday School Director— Grant him wisdom as he coordinates our SS and leads by example. Pray that he will find refreshing in his heart and life this weekend.
¨ Pray for the Assist. SS Director— Grant her wisdom as she coordinates our SS and leads by example. Pray that she will find refreshing in her heart and life this weekend.
¨ Pray for the Church Treasurer— Grant her wisdom as she keeps our church financial books and leads by example. Pray that she will find refreshing in her heart and life this weekend.
¨ Pray for the Youth teacher— Grant her wisdom as she teaches and leads by example. Pray that she will find refreshing in her heart and life this weekend.
¨ Pray for the Sunshine Class teacher–Grant her wisdom as she teaches and leads by example. Pray that she will find refreshing in her heart and life this weekend.
¨ Pray for the Assist. Sunshine Class teacher— Grant her wisdom as she teaches and leads by example. Pray that she will find refreshing in her heart and life this weekend.
¨ Pray for the Teacher of Busy Bees class— Grant her wisdom as she teaches and leads by example. Pray that she will find refreshing in her heart and life this weekend.
¨ Pray for the assist. teacher of the Busy Bees class— Grant him wisdom as he teaches and leads by example. Pray that he will find refreshing in his heart and life this weekend.
¨ Pray for the Teachers of Discovery class— Grant them wisdom as they teach and lead by example. Pray that they will find refreshing in their heart and life this weekend.
¨ Pray for the teacher of the Mick Mick Class— Grant her wisdom as she teaches and leads by example. Pray that she will find refreshing in her heart and life this weekend.
¨ Pray for the nursery workers— Grant her wisdom as she teaches and leads by example. Pray that she will find refreshing in her heart and life this weekend.
YOUTH, CHILDREN & NURSERY—please pray for as many by name as you can.
¨ Pray for them to go deeper in God’s Word and come to Christ early in life. Pray for them to experience true refreshing. Pray that they will come to salvation before they are pulled away as a teenager. Pray for our children’s committee and teachers as they seek direction in how to nurture and train up our children in God’s Word. Pray for dedication and consistency.
¨ Pray for their families. Pray for their parents to be godly role models and pray that fathers will be able to show little girls what a true gentlemen is. Pray for their self-esteem and as they formulate their identity. Pray for the children that are hurting from deaths in their families or from divorces. Pray that their parents will be the primary ones in helping them determine “who they are.” Pray that parents will be the ones that openly show them healthy and loving physical affection and verbally tell them how much they are loved and how much they are proud of them.
¨ Pray for their protection. Pray that the children will abstain from drugs. Pray that they will be guarded and protected from drug pushers and “friends” who are pressuring them to continue or to begin in that lifestyle. Pray for their physical protection from sexual predators, bullies, and abuse from family.
YOUTH—please pray for as many by name as you can.
¨ Pray for them to go deeper in God’s Word. For some, they may not return to church after high school graduation and our window for ministry with them is small. Pray that they may come to find the Christian life is so much more fulfilling than living for self and in the world. Pray for youth to rise up and be Godly leaders that we can build a youth leadership team around. Pray for their youth teachers and workers to be sensitive to their needs and for us to develop a ministry that will allow them to grow in their relationship with God. ¨
Pray for their families. Pray for their families and pray for their parents to be Godly role models. Pray for the parents that do not know Christ and pray that they will come to know Him. Pray for their self-esteem and as they formulate their identity. Pray for the children that are hurting from deaths in their families or from divorces. Pray that their parents will be the primary ones in helping them determine “who they are.” Pray that parents will be the ones that openly show them healthy and loving physical affection and verbally tell them how much they are loved and how much they are proud of them.
¨ Pray for their protection. Pray that the youth will abstain from drugs. Many struggle with alcohol, cigarettes, and illegal drugs. Pray that they will be guarded and protected from drug pushers and “friends” who are pressuring them to continue or to begin in that lifestyle. With immortality so prevalent in our society and with incredible pressure from their peers, temptations are everywhere for them. Pray for them to flee from sexual immortality and for them to find Godly men/women to date. Some are struggling with scares from past mistakes. Pray for healing.