Everyday Stress Prayer: Praying When Common Problems Stress You Out

Have you ever thought about praying when everyday problems and needs make your stress level go through the roof? This Everyday Stress Prayer will help you learn how to give the small and big things to God. Here’s a list of some of the things that can cause stress that could be a great chance to ask for God’s help.
Praying when stressed out about parking spaces
Have you ever prayed about a parking space? Yes, a parking space. Parking spaces can cause us a lot of stress. Usually we’re in a hurry. We need to park quickly get ourselves together and go into the…job interview…or into the …. doctor’s office…. or into the …. building where we work. No space to park means my stress gets higher and I am circling the parking lot like predator and prey, hoping, someone will please leave so I can park my car.
Praying when stressed out about missing phone chargers
What about praying for the phone charger? Have you ever forgotten your phone charger? Have you ever forgotten to charge your phone before you left your house that morning? Are you so phone charger phobic that you take your charger to work or borrow someone’s charger at work. We must be able to charge our phone. Doesn’t your stress levels go high when your phone isn’t charged.
Praying when stressed out about toilet paper
Have you ever prayed for toilet paper? While you were on the toilet…Lets face it everyone must go sometime. Have you tried to figure out what to use in its place? Stressing over lack of toilet paper seems so minor and yet we all do it.
Praying when stressed out by a misplaced credit card
What about praying for your credit card to magically appear because you are paying for your purchases at the checkout counter and your credit card is not in your wallet? Yes, I am stressed…I am embarrassed…I am irritated at the people behind me giving me the look… And I just want to crawl under something and hide.
Praying when stressed out by a broken printer
Have you ever prayed about a printer that stopped working mid print? This is the worst. Even if your printing was just routine work you will still stress over the machine. If it is something very important you might respond with yelling, crying, or pouting. Especially if you can’t figure out why it stopped.
Why not try praying and everyday stress prayer?
John 16:24 says, until now you haven’t asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. (NIV)
When life’s little stresses turn into big ones, when life’s big stresses turn into even bigger ones, why don’t you pray? There is nothing stopping you from praying. Nothing so minor that God doesn’t hear you. You and I ask God through our prayers to help us or provide for us but what about the stresses of life and how hard they are for us. God just says to talk to Him.
But hold on…. now …There are other important questions here. Will He answer our prayer, and then Will it be the answer we want?
Sometimes He answers our prayers right away.
Look, there’s that opening space in the parking lot. Yes!!!
There is my credit card in the bottom of my purse next to my phone charger. Wonder how that got there?
And then, Yeh, Susie from the copier service came by and fixed the copier!
God may delay answering our prayers. He may answer them in another way that we least expected, but He does answer our prayers. The stresses of everyday living can manipulate our emotions so that we ignore or forget our Heavenly Father’s words.
The next time be sure to Pray Because you are Stressed. Here’s a prayer that can help.
Everyday Stress Prayer When Little and Big Things Go Wrong
Heavenly Father, thank you for all the blessings you give me every day. Be with me when I experience the little stresses and the big stresses that keep me upset and dependent on myself to fix or manage them. Help me to look to you and talk to you for your intervention. Amen.
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Copyright Vivian Hethcoat 2018. All rights reserved.