Challenges of Aging Prayer for God’s Help and Vision
There are many challenges of aging and prayer can help us keep our focus, continue to find new visions and gratefully remember God’s goodness to us.
This challenges of aging prayer was written by Emmett Diggs a retired minister who is 77 years old and who is dealing with Parkinson’s disease.
Challenges of Aging Prayer for God’s Help and Vision
Though most of my life is behind me I’m very concerned about the rest of life. I’ve been here almost seventy seven years. My health is on the decline and I now wonder about such clichés as the “golden years.”
But Lord, I’m determined not to turn inward of feel sorry for myself. I want to finish out my life in a generative way and be a positive influence. Though that’s not easy, I trust you for the strength to do both.
Lord Jesus, teach me a new way of life. I cannot do the physical things I use to do. I even have to learn to deal with a chronic disease, a dreadful companion. All of us have some unwanted companion as we grow older. Teach me to be thankful for what I can do and to praise you for those things. I feel better when I’m rejoicing and giving thanks. (Phil 4:4)
What is there for me to be thankful for or to rejoice about; definitely my mate, my pets, nature, warmth just around the bend, my children, friends and the fond memories? Memories teach us that we’ve been blessed. Thank you, Christ for your blessings.
And here, nearer the end of life, we thank you for the beginning, what we’ve accomplished, the dreams that we’ve had and the ones we still have. Teach us, O Lord, never to cease dreaming. Among many others I dream of a closer walk with you. I need to feel your nearness, walking and conversing with me, a holy conversation.
Finally, nobody wants to do something foolish and drown this close to shore. Strengthen me to walk straight toward your goals.
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