In this prayer, author Holly Grantham helps us express ourselves to God when we are having difficulty finding words because of the depth of our longings or the desperateness of our needs.

A Prayer for When There Are No Words

Sometimes, Lord,

there are no words adequate enough

nothing to capture the depth of my longing or the desperateness of my need

no human means to bridge the chasm between my reality and Your heart


In those moments, Lord

there are only groans, not unlike labor pains

sound pictures drawn by the Holy Spirit

spinning miracles of connection



that is where I want to dwell

all of my days

in the hammock of hope that stretches between

all that I have


all that I wait for


Words will come

as will answers

but there is no need to wait for you

for You have already come


Praise be to God.

Copyright Holly Grantham 2011