Pre-Wedding Stress Prayer
Feeling pre-wedding stress is nearly universal as the day of the ceremony gets closer. Here is a pre-wedding stress prayer that can be used by anyone involved in planning a wedding – the bride, the groom, the parents of the bride or groom, friends and family members.
Dear Heavenly Father, I am excited that the time of our wedding is coming nearer, but I’m also stressed out because of all of the things we have yet to do to get ready. You know how much I want the wedding to be beautiful and memorable. Here are the specific parts of our wedding that I most want to work out well…
I pray that you will clear my mind, restore me with rest and show others how to help me in the ways I feel I most need help and support today. Give me the ability to communicate my needs and concerns in clear and helpful ways. I particularly pray for this specific person today that our ability to work together might be enhanced…
Show me the tasks that I need to focus on today and give me the grace to set aside the ones which I can’t accomplish until later…
I pray that You will free me from the impossible task of pleasing everyone. Instead, help me to make the choices that are right for me and my loved ones. Here is one choice that I have made that I offer into your keeping that maybe hasn’t pleased someone…
You know how worried I am about not having the time to do everything. Please help me to be organized and set priorities, yet also make me flexible enough to deviate from my “to do” list when my job or other obligations make it necessary. Here are other life obligations that I need time and energy to handle right now…
But most importantly, amid all of the activities and deadlines, help me not to lose focus of the joy in heaven surrounding the mysterious joining together of two lives as it says in your Word, “For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) Enlarge my vision to see beyond the wedding day to the new lifetime before me. Let me remember that however beautiful the wedding might be, it is not the end in itself but instead an entry way into a new life partnership.
In the strong and glorious name of Christ I pray, Amen.
Copyright Karen Barber 2012 All rights reserved.