Easter Prayer Applying the Power of Christ’s Resurrection

This Easter Prayer helps us apply the power of Christ’s death and resurrection in our personal struggles, griefs and challenges as we find hope rejoicing and celebrating Easter Day. This Easter prayer can be used in your personal prayer times to reflect on how Christ’s resurrection power be applied to your life struggles.
Easter Prayer
Dear Jesus,
On this Easter morning I am in awe that I can address you as as alive and present in my life because you conquered death and brought me salvation and new life. I thank you for the joy of this day which brings with it fresh starts and miraculous triumph to my life and to all on the earth. I join my heart and voice to proclaim the deep mystery and power of your resurrection, “Christ is risen. Christ is risen indeed!” I rejoice with gladness, receiving your hope, strength, comfort and peace.
In light of your victorious journey through suffering and death to everlasting life and glory, I offer to you my own difficult life journeys. I thank you that although you now sit at the right hand of the Father in the company of angels and in the center of ceaseless praise, you are present with me on every dark path.
I offer to you all of my grief. May the power of your resurrection turn it into joy, the kind of joy that lasts. I give you all of my fears of death that the empty tomb might transform them into courage and trust.
I place in your hands my struggles with those who oppose me, those who ridicule me and those who plot against me. May your Holy Spirit empower divine justice to overcome injustice through your Grace and all encompassing power.
I bring to you my sins and shortcomings that your redeeming blood might cleanse and cover them and that I might be made new and whole.
And I pray that I will allow myself to lose sight of all else as I glorify you. I worship you as I express my love and undying gratitude for you for your amazing sacrifice. I pray this through the power of your redemptive sacrifice on the cross and the mighty power of your resurrection. Amen.
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Copyright Karen Barber 2014. All rights reserved.