Christ Church Savannah Georgia
Location Name
Christ Church, Savannah, GA
Street Address
28 Bull St. on Johnson Square
Type of Prayer Place
Christ Church is an Anglican church formed in 1733 and has a long and important history. (John Wesley, the founder of Methodism was once a minister there.) Of particular interest as a place of prayer is the Compline service which is held at 9 PM on Sunday nights. A compline service is part of the ancient monastic tradition of the last worship service of the day. In it we praise God for work completed, express thankfulness for God’s presence and ask for protection from evil during the night. It contains psalms, short scriptures, hymns, canticles, litanies, collects and prayers.
The setting is breath taking as you enter a tall traditional sanctuary lit only with tall candles in the altar area. The only other light in the sanctuary is back lighting from an enormous stained glass window of Christ ascending to heaven with outstretched arms.
The choir proceeds in wearing robes with hoods and instead of going to the front to perform, they silently file up onto the balcony behind the congregation and begin singing in voices clear as a bell. The congregation does not participate but rather listens as they mediate on Christ and the scriptures. Before and after the service, congregants kneel in their pews in prayer.
How I used this place of prayer
I visited with a friend and was absolutely awed by the beauty of the service and the feeling of peace and well being that came over us. When I had a chance, I brought back another group of friends to join in this experience when we were visiting Hilton Head, which is an hour’s drive away.
Hours of Operation & Admission Requirements
9 PM Sunday evenings
Contact Information / Sponsoring Organization
Personal Tips
Go early and enjoy the peace of prayer before the service. I was surprised to see many young adults and college students in attendance.
Added by Karen Barber on June 28, 2011