Posts by Karen Barber
Aggressive Cancer Diagnosis Prayer
This Aggressive Cancer Diagnosis Prayer can be a strong support for someone facing a cancer type that doctors say grows or spreads more quickly than other cancers. Aggressive Cancer Diagnosis Prayer Dear God, _________________________ has been told by the doctors that they have an aggressive form of cancer. Hearing a diagnosis is hard enough, but…
Read MoreStop Comparing Yourself to Other Christians Prayer
Comparing yourself unfavorably to others can harm your faith, discourage you and separate you from others. This prayer will help you stop comparing yourself to others by helping you understand your unique importance in God’s family. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Christians Prayer Dear God, It seems like when I compare myself to others I…
Read MoreSocial Anxiety Prayer for God’s Help
This Social Anxiety Prayer will connect you with God’s help and guidance on becoming more comfortable and confident in social settings. Everyone feels nervous or out of place in different social settings such as public speaking. Others of us suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder which makes us uncomfortable in most social settings…
Read MoreEstranged from Loved One Prayer for Reconciliation and Healing
This Estranged from Loved One Prayer for Reconciliation and healing will help you receive God’s help and wisdom to do what is within your power to mend your broken relationship. When you are alienated from someone who used to be close to you, prayer can be a strong tool in finding a pathway forward toward…
Read MoreJuneteenth Prayer and Freedom Day Prayer
This Juneteenth prayer commemorates the Emancipation of African Americans from slavery after the declaration of their freedom. Prayer was a traditional part of the original Juneteenth celebration and is an ongoing feature of Juneteenth celebrations. Juneteenth Prayer or Freedom Day Prayer Dear Lord, we pray this Juneteenth Prayer to celebrate the glorious day when African…
Read MoreTraumatic Brain Injury Prayer for Recovery
This traumatic brain injury prayer for recovery can be used by family, friends and prayer groups to avail TBI patients of God’s presence and healing power as they go through recovery. Traumatic Brain Injury Prayer for Recovery Dear God our healer, We pray today for _______________ who has suffered a traumatic brain injury. We thank…
Read MoreSpiritual Warfare Prayer Against the Devil’s Attacks Using Scripture
This Spiritual warfare prayer gives you protection, courage and Scriptures to claim when the devil seems to be attacking you or when you are being attacked by evil schemes. Scripture references are included so you can look them up. Spiritual Warfare Prayer Against the Devil’s Attacks and Schemes Using Scripture Dear God, creator and master…
Read MorePrayer for Peace Using Scriptures Slide Show
This Prayer for Peace Using Scriptures is a slide show that you can use in your prayer time or with a group to claim God’s promises and pray them for those who are in war zones and need protection. prayer for peace and end to war from Prayerigniters Other Helpful Articles Prayer for Peace in…
Read MoreRock Bottom Prayer Second Chance Prayer
This Rock Bottom Prayer for a second chance connects us to God’s power to seek help, receive forgiveness and start with a clean slate. The term rock bottom means being at the lowest possible level possible where there’s nowhere left to go. Rock Bottom Prayer for a Second Chance God, I’ve hit rock bottom…
Read MoreInternational Women’s Day Prayer
Use this International Women’s Day Prayer in groups or in your personal prayers to celebrate the contributions of women and to pray for God’s freedom for all women. International Women’s Day Prayer Dear God our Creator,, We thank you for all women across the globe. We celebrate their strengths and accomplishments and pray for the…
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