An Ash Wednesday Prayer

This Ash Wednesday prayer by Dianne Polome helps us humbly remember our sins and confess our dependence and love for Christ for His mercy.
An Ash Wednesday Prayer
We stand before you, God,
humbly aware that we are
but creatures of dust
on a short sojourn here, yet
ever mindful that you
took on this same dusty flesh,
walked the road to Calvary in our place.
Lord, we remember.
Lord, you are indeed
full of compassion and great mercy.
Your love never fails to meet us
where we are.
And here we are, Lord,
ever mindful of our failures,
our brokenness, our unworthiness.
Lord, we confess.
Lord, now by these ashes
placed upon our foreheads,
we open our hearts again
to this Lenten journey.
Ever mindful of your grace,
we walk with you
from death to life anew.
Lord, we believe.
Tips on how you have used this prayer. My pastor used this in our Ash Wednesday service
Mardi Gras Prayer, Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Carnival Prayer
Original prayer by Dianne Polome, copyright Dianne Polome 2011. Used by permission