During divorce or adoption, child custody problems can be a time of intense and desperate prayers to God because our hearts are deeply torn and broken because we want our children to be in safe, loving, nurturing environments.  Child custody issues affect  parents, grandparents, family members, foster and adoptive parents, step parents and care givers.  Recently several people asked me to be in prayer for them during child custody struggles and God seemed to prompt me to write this prayer for you.  It is a guided prayer where you can use the different sections to pray about different aspects of the child custody issues.  After each paragraph there are places with a … where you can continue your prayers to God about the specifics of your situation.

Prayer During Child Custody Issues

Dear heavenly Father, I thank you that you are a Father and that you understand all of my feelings and love and great desires for the well being of the children you have given me to love, nurture and care for.

I thank you that when Jesus was baptized, you felt great pride and said, “You are my Son whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”  (Mark 1:11)  I thank you for giving these children to me.  They are such a precious gift from you.  Here are some of the things I love most about being in their lives….

I thank you that you gave custody of your own son Jesus to earthly parents to raise knowing that there would be times when they failed to understand Him and times they couldn’t be there for Him.  I offer up to Jesus the times that I felt I might have failed to be the parent I wanted to be and the times I couldn’t be there for my children …

Today Father, I am very concerned about the future of my children.  My heart is aching and breaking.  I offer up to you the specific circumstances that we are facing …

Show me how to express love to my children in ways that they will understand.  Give me wisdom well beyond my own on what to tell them and what not to tell them about the custody issue…

Keep the lines of communication open between me and my children.   I pray your power against all physical and psychological interferences that would block me from my children.  Protect against all false and misleading statements made to my children including…

I pray that the truth will come to light in all areas, particularly in…

I pray that you will show me a way to vent my frustration, anger and sense of injustice in healthy ways without having it boil over and cause problems.  Here are the things that I am angry about.   Thank you that you are listening…

I pray that you will give discernment to all judges, lawyers, social workers, mediators and child advocates so that they might make sound, wise decisions concerning my children.  Give them hearts of love; make them good judges of character.  I also pray that Jesus will be my advocate as it says in the Bible.  (Romans 8:34; I John 2:1)  I pray that Jesus will be my advocate in…

I pray for protection for my children when I am not able to be there with them.  Father, when I am not with my children, here are the unhealthy influences that I pray you protect them against…

I pray for the person(s) who are causing the difficulties that you will place limits and boundaries on their realm of influence.  Help them to see beyond their own personal agendas, motives, controlling behavior and personality problems.  Stir up in their hearts love for these children.  Help them desire more than all else to provide the children with a stable, loving, protective, healthy home atmosphere.  Help the relationship between the person involved and myself to be rational, cooperative, sensible and focused on the well being of the children and not on any past issues between us such as…

And finally, I pray for wisdom and guidance as to what specific steps I need to take in this situation.  I now listen for your guidance, knowing that when I take the first step, you’ll guide me to the next…

Thank you, loving Father.  Amen

Helpful Links

A Parent’s Prayer Following a Difficult Child Custody Ruling

Losing Hope Prayer: Restoring Lost Hope through Personal Prayer

How to Pray for Your Children

Praying for Children and Grandchildren with Problems and Difficulties

Praying through Divorce

Copyright Karen Barber 2012.  All rights reserved.